How top PR firm uses ‘trust barometer’ to promote world’s autocrats

The Guardian • 2023-11-24
PR industry

ARIA and the Guardian revealed how the world’s largest public relations firm, Edelman, received millions of dollars from repressive regimes, including Saudi Arabia and the UAE, while simultaneously reporting rising public trust in these governments through its “trust barometer” polling. 

Comment le français Technip Energies a participé à un mégaprojet gazier russe malgré les sanctions internationales

Le Monde • 2023-10-19
Fossil Fuels

ARIA collaborated with Le Monde and DataDesk to expose how French engineering company Technip Energies helped Russia to build a new gas export terminal in the Arctic after the start of the war in Ukraine, despite the international sanctions regime.

Mining accident victims blame ArcelorMittal

Luxembourg Times • 2023-10-14

ARIA obtained documentation regarding a mining accident that occurred inside a Kazakhstan coal mine owned by steel giant ArcelorMittal. The investigation highlighted concerns about the company’s safety practices.

Gaz de schiste : un projet texan controversé suscite l’intérêt d’énergéticiens français

Le Monde • 2023-04-03
Carbon Capture and Storage

ARIA sourced and analysed contracts for three LNG trains signed by NextDecade with its subcontractors, and found that only two of them were planned to be equipped with a Capture Carbon and Storage facilities, despite the company’s pledge to equip all trains. ARIA also provided analysis of the company’s “sustainable” LNG claims.

Retirer le CO2 de l’atmosphère sauvera-t-il le climat?

Le Monde • 2023-03-19
Fossil Fuels

Le Monde and ARIA investigated Occidental Petroleum’s (Oxy) climate pledge and its plans to develop direct air capture (DAC) and generate offsets to help other companies like Airbus to meet their net-zero targets. The story raises questions over the use of DAC to reach net-zero targets without phasing out fossil-fuels. ARIA submitted FOIs and conducted data and documentary analysis to aid the investigation.