ARIA works with a wide range of media partnersThe following articles are some examples of where ARIA’s work has been cited.

Conflits d’intérêts : enquête sur les activités parallèles des députés européens

Le Monde • 2024-05-24
Industry Influence

ARIA coordinated a cross-border investigation into conflicts of interest among Members of the European Parliament. As part of the project, Le Monde’s piece uncovers that nearly two-thirds of MEPs hold additional jobs or financial interests, which could interfere with MEPs’ independence.

Vlaamse leden Europarlement hebben tot 18 extra mandaten, maar melden nooit belangenconflict

De Tijd • 2024-05-24
Industry Influence

As part of a cross-border investigation coordinated by ARIA into MEPs’ side jobs and conflicts of interest, De Tijd revealed that Flemish MEPs held up to 18 additional mandates each, often neglecting to declare conflicts of interest and receiving payments for trips from lobby groups.

Bruselas exige más transparencia pero los eurodiputados esquivan el control

El Confidencial • 2024-05-24
Industry Influence

ARIA coordinated a cross-border investigation into conflicts of interest among Members of the European Parliament. As part of this project, El Confidencial’s piece highlights a lack of scrutiny over multiple inaccuracies and omissions in Spanish MEPs’ declarations, and a general culture of impunity within MEPs with regards to conflicts of interest.

Comment TotalEnergies et la diplomatie française travaillent main dans la main

Le Monde • 2024-05-23
Fossil Fuels

ARIA collaborated with Le Monde to investigate the ambiguities of France’s economic diplomacy when it comes to supporting TotalEnergies in its expansion into foreign markets like Uganda and Mozambique, with a particular focus on revolving doors between French diplomacy and TotalEnergies.

How top PR firm uses ‘trust barometer’ to promote world’s autocrats

The Guardian • 2023-11-24
PR industry

ARIA and the Guardian revealed how the world’s largest public relations firm, Edelman, received millions of dollars from repressive regimes, including Saudi Arabia and the UAE, while simultaneously reporting rising public trust in these governments through its “trust barometer” polling.