ARIA in the news
ARIA works with a wide range of media partners. The following articles are some examples of where ARIA’s work has been cited.
Il Parlamentare europeo per chi lavora davvero? Sette su 10 svolgono una seconda attività
L’Espresso • 2024-06-04Industry Influence
ARIA coordinated a cross-border investigation into conflicts of interest among Members of the European Parliament. As part of this project, L’Espresso highlights a number of conflicts amongst Italian MEPs, like Paolo De Castro’s involvement in agribusiness and Pietro Fiocchi’s involvement in the ammunition industry.
Conflits d’intérêts : enquête sur les activités parallèles des députés européens
Le Monde • 2024-05-24Industry Influence
ARIA coordinated a cross-border investigation into conflicts of interest among Members of the European Parliament. As part of the project, Le Monde’s piece uncovers that nearly two-thirds of MEPs hold additional jobs or financial interests, which could interfere with MEPs’ independence.
Vlaamse leden Europarlement hebben tot 18 extra mandaten, maar melden nooit belangenconflict
De Tijd • 2024-05-24Industry Influence
As part of a cross-border investigation coordinated by ARIA into MEPs’ side jobs and conflicts of interest, De Tijd revealed that Flemish MEPs held up to 18 additional mandates each, often neglecting to declare conflicts of interest and receiving payments for trips from lobby groups.
Bruselas exige más transparencia pero los eurodiputados esquivan el control
El Confidencial • 2024-05-24Industry Influence
ARIA coordinated a cross-border investigation into conflicts of interest among Members of the European Parliament. As part of this project, El Confidencial’s piece highlights a lack of scrutiny over multiple inaccuracies and omissions in Spanish MEPs’ declarations, and a general culture of impunity within MEPs with regards to conflicts of interest.
MEPs hold ethically slippery side jobs — but they’re perfectly legal
Politico • 2023-03-08Industry Influence
ARIA provided documentary evidence on MEPs’ second jobs and how they could raise risks of conflicts of interest and impact their legislative decision-making. The story fed into debates around reforming parliamentary transparency and integrity rules after the Qatargate scandal.